Along with our own direct website, we have held a strong reputation of integrity with over 35 years in the Travel and Tourism market in Orlando, Millenium has forged long-standing relationships with the largest providers of travel in the nation and around the world. Millenium Management by Vista Cay maintains relationships with......
Millenium Management is unique in the highly competitive Orlando short term rental market as we operate multi channel marketing divisions with a focus on both domestic and international travelers, group sales, convention sales and online distribution channels. We understand the highly competitive Orlando resort market and we stay two steps ahead of our competitors. We consistently analyze market conditions to see what areas can be improved and where new ideas can be implemented to maximize your revenue and occupancy. We track every marketing dollar spent and how that relates to revenue return and only use best practices proven to produce a minimum 5 to 1 return. Additional key factors of our marketing focus include:
Millenium Management is also a proud member of the Orlando CVB (Convention & Visitors Bureau) and the only management company in Vista Cay that actively contracts room blocks for Orlando Citywide Conventions.